Tuesday, December 5, 2006

A Jew Bomb?

Have you heard the latest from Iran's Thug-in-Chief Mahmoud Ahmadinejad? He sent another letter to us, the American people, deploring our support of the "Persistent aggressions by the Zionists" and the virtures of repenting from our evil Judeo-Christian ways by converting to Islam.

He continues to beat the drum of wiping out Isreal. But how is he going to do this? With conventional forces (a large ground war) or maybe nuclear weapons? No, he's going to use his new secret weapon, the Jew Bomb. It will only kill Jewish people, so when he unleashes his weapons of mass destruction he won't kill any of his muslim brothers in the "Zionist Occupied Lands".

The existance of such a weapon must be true, because so many Palestinians take to the streets and rally behind his words of "liberation". No sane Palestinain would support him if it meant their own destruction, would they?